
Joo Know Joo Love It

Today the baconista has been mentioned on my friend Seong’s blog What Joo Say? which is (oddly enough) about fitness! Bacon and fitness, hmm... But if you are trying to get in shape he has tons of great tips to counter any bacon overindulgence. And I love that he encourages indulgence (every once in a while) on what he calls CMD. I've often joined him on his Cheat Meal Day (although that's pretty much every day for me) at our usual spot, Won Jo. And yes, he does eat bacon—extra thick, super fatty bacon! And still he manages to keep in serious shape. There is hope for us all!


  1. Another great post and thanks for the shot-out back! I can't wait for our next CMD together! Yay!!!

  2. Hi! I'd love to talk to you when/if you get a chance. Can you shoot me an email to scott at bacn dot com?

    Long live Bacon! ;-)
